Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Great expectations...

Great expectations vs. diminished expectations. What do we mean when using these terms as they pertain to mental illness?

We all are expected to rise to a certain level of competance in our ventures. In the beginning of a job ,for instance, we strive to perform at a high level. Those who hired us also have expectations. An employer anticipates a validation of their new hire. They expect a job well done. In the realm of mental illness though, expectations are sometimes lowered due to the presence of a disorder. I contend that this is detrimental to the health of one affected by a mental illness.

Diminished expectations can happen when a "consumer " ( a term used to describe a mentally ill person), is recovering from an episode of their illness. For instance, if the consumer is bipolar or depressed, they may have been out of commission for a long time.Family members, friends, and employers may be satisfied with them getting "better" and returning to their previous status. There is often a diminished expectation of success. Others are used to you being depressed and unable to function. Getting out of bed is considered a victory along with the completion of many ADLs (activities of daily living). While not disparaging these successes I would contend that there is so much more to aim for. Our expectations should be realistic but nonetheless great.

Setting high goals for the consumer and the consumer setting the bar high, allow for optimum recovery. It's motivating to have goals that ar higher than what we think we can accomplish. Don't be grandious in your ability to achieve yet stretch yourself. Start with small goals and move on to more difficult tasks. Acess your situation and act accordingly. Where do you stand physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Take some time to do an inventory of your life on every level and slowly but surely start to make things happen.For instance, if you need to lose weight, start to walk, then change your diet to healthy eating.Take one day at a time knowing that the days will turn into weeks, weeks into months. Soon you will be gaining on your goals. Don't let the spectre of mental illness deter you. Set the bar high and even if you don't reach it you will have improved more than expected.

The goal for those who support and love a consumer should be to have great expectations coupled with understanding. Having others want you to do well is a great motivator.Perhaps the loved one or friend or colleage has had a very difficult road.The good news is they can recover as long as they have a few components of wellness in place. Encourage them to see a psychiatrist, a psychologist and become a member of a support group. You can also become a member of a support team that monitors how the consumer is doing. Wellness can be achieved.  The illnesses can be managed. Victory is attainable! Don't succomb to diminished expectations for the mentally ill. Expect great things and wellness will happen!

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