Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's hot here in Orange County California.  However it seems that summertime is my time for depression to kick in. I don't know why my hardest time is summer, what I do know is that after a summer of struggling, I usually snap out of  it and have a manic episode. It is such a relief to get over the funk of depression that maybe I am catapulted into a manic state.

It all happens slowly. The months of May through August are slow, tedious and cruel. It is the opposite of what most people experience. It is the norm that people experience mania in the summer and depression in the winter. For some reason I am turned around. My manic episodes have all been in late August and the early fall. I am so relieved that the depression is over that I go into a hypomanic state.(a little manic) It slowly turns into full blown mania often resulting in psychosis.

I wonder if anyone else experiences these seasonal shifts in mood. Comments would sure be appreciated!

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