Saturday, November 2, 2019

Seve the cat.

A week ago I adopted a kitten and named it Seve. Like the famous golfer he has jet black shiny hair and he is so handsome. For years I have been debating whether or not to have a pet and I finally pulled the trigger. I had heard and read of the benefits of having a pet if you are diagnosed with a mental ilness.  I must say I wasn't a believer until this week. Already I am an enthusiastic convert.

Seve the wonder kitten...
One of the most important components of a wellness plan when you are bipolar is to get consistent good sleep. Too much sleep for me is an indication that I may be slipping into depression, too little is a precursor to a manic episode. For years I have struggled to create a disciplined schedule for sleep all to no avail. Since having Seve though, things have changed in just 2 short weeks. He wakes me up at 6 to 6:30 every morning by climbing onto my chest and purring away. Then he bumps my chin with his tiny head until I give him pets. What a cool way to wake up! He is full of energy interspersed with cat naps until about 11. I move him onto his perch in my bedroom and he sleeps through the night. My sleep is peaceful and sound due to following his schedule. I am getting a solid 7 to 8 hours a night and I wake up refreshed and ready to face the day.

Seve has also had one somewhat weird effect on my sleep. Since adopting him I have seen a remission of the terrible nightmares that have plagued my sleep. Since starting the shot of abilify I receive every two months, my dreams have been vivid and often have been nightmares. It got so bad I was dreading going to bed at night because they shook me up so. Now I am enjoying a nighttime routine with Seve and am feeling cozy and happy when I go to bed. It's only been 2 weeks but the change is already making a big difference in how I manage my waking and sleeping hours. Amazing!

So now I am a true believer. Seve is already a major benefit in my fight against mental illness. He is registered as an emotional support animal with my apartment, and he is truly living up to the label. He gives me a new sense of purpose. He needs to be fed, played with, loved and cared for and the responsibilities that come with cat ownership are sitting well with me. Who knew that a 7 pound creature would make such a difference??! Seve is a wonder!

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Episode 2020

 Having a breakdown due to a mental illness, is life shattering. Everything you believed about yourself and the people and places around you...