Thursday, September 13, 2012

A nasty little habit....

I have recently quit smoking,and I mean recently!!I am already experiencing the many symptoms of withdrawal.I wasn't just a casual smoker,I was an ardent somker.Cigarrettes were more than a habit, they were a companion.I smoked alot when manic,more so when depressed.I smoked when I was anxious,worried or just in a contemplative mood.So when I decided to quit it was a big deal.I looked up mental ilness and smoking on the internet and wasn't suprised at what I found.The prevalence of smoking amongst the mentally ill is high.We smoke more and more often.The impact on finaces is high as well . Many have limited fundsand cigarrettes take a large chunk out of Social Security checks. So, not wanting to be part of the problem,I quit.Oh yeah, smoking also effects th efficacy orf many psychiatric meds. Reason #751 to stop. Bottom line is I don't waant to die from smoking after having overcome mental illness.I don't want to die period,I'll take a long life that includes family, friends, books, music and all the things that make life  worth the living. I'm not going to use mental illness as an excuseto hide fom the world , cigarette in hand.There is so much to do see, and feel,and quite frankly cigarettes are a numbing agent. So here I go on my journey as a non-smoker, a recovering manic-depressive, and a hopeful participant in life!-

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Episode 2020

 Having a breakdown due to a mental illness, is life shattering. Everything you believed about yourself and the people and places around you...