Saturday, September 29, 2012

it's not easy being green....

None of us likes to be labeled as "different". We all have a need to fit in to an extent and share our lives with people of the same mind. Problem is, you have to have a sane mind to do so. Manic depression tends to seperate one from the flow of life.Easy tasks are not that easy.For instance, maintaining relationships and activities seem impossible when all you want to do is crawl into bed for the day. What is even more destabilizing is the manias. You do more , say more and act out on wierd impulses. The damage left behind from an episode is as life altering as the episode itself. It makes you feel different and you've got the evidence to prove it.But I guess sometimes different can be a good thing. My experience with mental illness has taught me many life lessons that I would have not learned in the absence of it. Compassion, empathy and resiliance are just a few. So, when I start to bemoan my fate, I try to focus on the blessings I have recieved. I don't dwell on the differences between my life and the life of another. It may not be , as Kermit sang "Easy being green". THe alternative hoever is not to live your life at all or wallow inself pity.  I"ll take different every time.

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