Sunday, March 1, 2020

Politics, religion and the sanctity of life...

Like so many, I have been following the current political news. The primaries are underway, and things are getting heated. For good reason the two parties are opposed to each other. They have two distinct views on the role of religion in our society and the sanctity of life.

Daniel, my precious son!!  
When I was younger, and to be honest, until recently; I was a proud democrat. Now I know its not politically correct to call out one side or the other, but at some point you have to choose a side to believe in. I now lean right, and for a myriad of reasons. For starters, I believe in the sanctity of life. The Republican party put justices on the Supreme court who will defend the rights of the unborn. This trumps all other rights that a woman may claim. Again, I am probably offending some readers of this blog, but so be it.

I realize that the discussion of politics and religion are somewhat taboo. However I am tired of avoiding the subjects in order to appease someone's fragile sensibilities. Isn't it time we all tackled the tough issues of our times? Can't we do so with our civility in tact? I hope so.

So we have to ask the big question, "Why am I here?".  I believe we are all here on this planet to reflect God's glory, to love our neighbor as we would like to be loved; and serve others. The Golden rule sums it all up. Yet Jesus goes further and tells the Pharisee to love God with all your mind, soul and strength. So, in my mind, it is imperative to use our brain's to grapple with the difficult topics encountered in this life.

So, as far as religion and politics go, my mind is made up. I am a Christian and I make no apologies anymore for my beliefs. Life is precious, and that is a value that everyone can agree on. Can't we? Politics, although it is a touchy subject; is becoming more and more a part of my awareness. I am more and more conservative as I enter my senior years. If this offends, my stance remains the same. It is what it is.  I'll let the chips fall where they may and let God do the judging.

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