Monday, April 15, 2019

Some thoughts on getting things done!

I get very irritable when I can't solve a problem . If something is broke I want it fixed and if I have a question I want it answered. Bipolar disorder makes it difficult to achieve these things.

Because of the way I feel when I am depressed, I don't get much done. There is no moving forward on projects or goals and time is waisted. When I finally come to, I am playing catch up. Then I really want things handled and quickly. It's a vicious cycle with mania playing into the mix. I get a lot accomplished when I am manic but I also engage in activity that is just busyness with no clear direction. It is when I am stable that I can direct my energies to solving problems, fixing what is broken and answering the questions that swirl n my head when I am symptomatic.

One of my biggest questions is can a person lead a productive life amidst the interruptions of bipolar disorder. I now believe the answer is yes and the key is long periods of stability. When my mind is clear I can use logic to solve problems instead of running on depressed or manic emotions. Clarity for a long time means more problems solved!

When the chalkboard of my mind is clear I can then plot my course. I like making lists and setting goals. It gives me a sense of security to know I can control some things in my life, so I write them down and work on them. It feels great to put a checkmark next to a goal! I write out my problems, see what needs fixing and jot down my questions. It is a lot like taking inventory. I access where I am in several categories , emotional, physical, spiritual, relational and vocational. I figure out where I am and where I want to go in each area. At the end of a good period of time, I evaluate what else needs to be done. It's really how I have achieved a level of wellness that allows me to fully participate in life. I hope if you are reading this and are struggling to recover from a mental illness you will try my method. I hope it helps someone!

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