Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kitty love...

One of the reasons I came to the desert this week was to pick up my adopted kitten. His name is Seve and he is a black and white. For the longest time my best friend has tried to convince me to get a cat and I finally pulled the trigger.

I have read many blogs about how good a pet is for those who have a mental illness. The responsibility of taking care of a living thing gives meaning to one's life. The care and feeding of another can lift you out of a depression. I now can see why.

Although I have only been with him for a week, we are already bonding. He likes to wake up early, eat, play and then crash again. It's totally cute to wake up to a purring kitten on my chest. I am used to waking up and just jumping out of bed. Now I can see the beauty of just lingering until I am fully awake and presented with something positive the moment I wake up! 

I live alone in Irvine. For the longest time I have kept it that way out of self preservation. I was consumed with managing symptoms and the fallout from a massive episode 8 years ago. I have finally recovered to the point where I am out of survival mode and am looking for ways to enhance my life. Getting a pet is a big step in that direction.

So Seve and I return to Orange County this morning to start our new life together. I must say that I am a bit nervous about how he will adjust. My work schedule will allow me plenty of time with him though and I am looking forward to getting to know him better. It is exciting and a welcome addition to my life. Kitty love is the best thing ever!!

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