Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fighting the good fight..

Is there any hope for fighting your way through mental illness?  I think that there is .There is a misconception that once diagnosed you are doomed to a marginal life. Fighting the good fight is key to recovery and a life filled with positive experiences.

Granted, there are those so affected that the littlest challenges are insurmountable. Fighting the ravages of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia is not possible because they are incapable of doing so. Just getting through the day is an achievement. However there are those of us that are blessed with the capability to recognize the challenges of life and respond with an aggressive attitude.

I have heard through the years that rather than fight bipolar disorder, I should accept it. Yet there is a part of me that just doesn't . I resent it's presence in my life. I hate the out of control feeling that comes along with mania. Even more, I resent the lost time  that occurs in depression. In fact both mania and depression are robbers, they rob you of time, relationships jobs and hope. I am sorry but I just  cannot accept that. I'd rather fight.

So how do you fight? First you must know your enemy . Learn about your illness. After that you can take aggressive action in your battle. What can you do once informed? Here are a few ideas.

#1 submit to the care of a psychiatrist.

#2 Above all else ,Take your meds.

#3 Join a support group

#4 Talk to some one, (therapy)

All of the above can help you engage in the fight. Cultivating a fighting spirit requires determination and courage. It's worth the effort to fight for your life.

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