Saturday, November 9, 2013

La Quinta

There is a little town in the Southern California desert called La Quinta. My best friend lives there and to me it is one of the best places in the U.S. Right now I am on a trip here. Everyone who suffers from a mental illness should come to a place like this. The scenery is fantastic. Mountain coves surrounded with palm trees and flowers in abundance dominate the landscape . It makes you forget that you have an illness. Natures beauty gets you out of your head.

Those of us who do have a mental illness need a vacation from that illness every once in a while. I just cannot dwell on it. I don't want to aggravate depression and I don't 'want to make the mistake of escaping into into mania.  I need distractions.

Going to new places or favorite spots gets you out of any funk. Take the time, make the effort to get out of your routine and go somewhere else. You have plenty of time to deal with your illness . However it is equally important to give yourself a break. Go out and go forward to mental health!

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Episode 2020

 Having a breakdown due to a mental illness, is life shattering. Everything you believed about yourself and the people and places around you...