If you have a mental illness,you probably have a problem with negative thinking.You think "the sky is falling " because it has in the past,often in the form of episodes of mania of depression.In depression ones view of the world is skewed.Everything is negative.There can be no solutions to lifes challenges because life is not seen as worth the living.We are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.Mania is a totally different state,Euphoria ,rapid thinking and grandiosity make your view go out of wack.Reality is a bummer and often reality checks are unwelcome.Reality kills the high.But mania has its consequences.Spending sprees must be paid for,actions accounted for and apologies made for things said and done.It is exhausting to be bipolar,and when we are tired,negativity reigns. So what to do? I think your first move is to make peace with the fact that you have a chronic illness.Its going to take a lot to manage the disorder but it possible..Stay positive.Although you are diagnosed with a tedious disease,you can make your life work.With medication,health professionals and friends and family to lend support,. you have a chance at a life beyond mental illness.Rather than waiting for the sky to fall you can practice thinking positive . It's going to take time to train yourself to expect positive outcomes.Negativity is easy to slip into .Even more so when depressed or pulling yourself up from a manic or depressive episode.However it is worth the effort. Staying positive can be a buffer to thinking that keeps you stuck in your illness.You must cling to hope instead of fear or bipolar disorder will win the day.You must be confident that the fight can be won, that the outcome will be positive and the sky will be nothing but a beautiful blue
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Episode 2020
Having a breakdown due to a mental illness, is life shattering. Everything you believed about yourself and the people and places around you...
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What a great "POSITIVE" and uplifting post!