Friday, November 8, 2013

getting back in the groove

After a bipolar episode it is hard to get your life back.I was in the hospital for 9 months.When I came out I still wasn't well.It has taken 2 years to get my meds straight,find a place to be and find a new purpose in life.The bottom line is it took time for me to heal.Moving forward is the next step and eventually I will get my groove back.Tte best eay to get back in the swing of things is to follow the basic rules of mental health.Accept your diagnosis,see a psychiatrist consistently, and above all take your meds! Once you solvw the basic issues of rebounding from an episode you must then renew your confidence.This is a toughie!After an episode your confidence is usually shot and your self esteem is at a all time low. Basically you are embarrassed that you had one in the first place.(At least I was.) But to get busy with living you must have an expectation of good things happening.This expectation is fueled by confidence.So be gentle with yourself.Get back into your life slowly but surely.Hope a lot.To hope ypu must again have positive expetations.You cannot have a negative outlook.All you energy must be channeled into fighting for your life.An episode although devastating is temporary.You can get through it with faith and hope going forward.

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